size | Size of the blocks | 15 |
length | Length of the snake at the beginning | 2 |
food | The amount of food generated, whenever there's nothing on the field | 5 |
width | The width of the field | 800 |
height | The height of the field | 600 |
colFood | The color of the food blocks | green |
colHead | The color of the snake's head | blue |
colSnake | The color of the snake's body (seperate multiple colos with commas) | red,#FF5E5E |
colBG | The color of the background | lightgrey |
colFont | The color of the timer | black |
collision | Collision with the borders and the snake's body | true |
speed | The amount of time that passes between the update/render cycles | 20 |
rev | Go backwards through the snake itself | false |
disTime | Disable the timer | false |