sizeSize of the blocks15
lengthLength of the snake at the beginning2
foodThe amount of food generated, whenever there's nothing on the field5
widthThe width of the field800
heightThe height of the field600
colFoodThe color of the food blocksgreen
colHeadThe color of the snake's headblue
colSnakeThe color of the snake's body (seperate multiple colos with commas)red,#FF5E5E
colBGThe color of the backgroundlightgrey
colFontThe color of the timerblack
collisionCollision with the borders and the snake's bodytrue
speedThe amount of time that passes between the update/render cycles20
revGo backwards through the snake itselffalse
disTimeDisable the timerfalse

These parameters have to be formatted like this:
You can also put them in the anchor part of the url:

free paint
normal but smaller
black and white
eye cancer
faster than light